A short history of the Gezi Park trial by Gökçer Tahincioğlu
Journalist Gökçer Tahincioğlu analyses the history of the Gezi trial after 2013, in which Osman Kavala and co-defendants were convicted in April 2022.
‘The government’s attitude towards Gezi is well known. There is no doubt, however, that Gezi is being utilised as a pretext for the ensuing bans on protests.’
Read his article in English and Turkish here:
‘İktidarın Gezi’ye yönelik tutumu biliniyor. Ancak Gezi’nin sonradan getirilen eylem yasakları için aparat olarak kullanıldığına da kuşku yok’
Gökçer Tahincioğlu PEN Norveç için Gezi Parkı davasının tarihini yazdı.