2008: Mexico: No more impunity
The Embassy of Mexico
Strandvejen 64E, Hellerup, DK 2900, København
Tlf: 45 39 61 05 00 – Fax: 45 39 61 05 12
E-post: info@mexican-embassy.dk
Oslo, 29, May 2008
Your Excellency,
I, as a member of Writers in Prison Committe of Norwegian PEN am welcoming
the recent steps taken by the authorities to bring to justice the perpetrators of crimes against journalists, such as the arrest of a drug cartel member on suspicion of involvement in the 1997 murder of editor Jesús J. Blancornelas and the issue of arrest warrants against public employees allegedly involved in the 2005 abduction and detention of journalist Lydia Cacho Ribeiro;
Nonetheless, I am expressing grave concern about the continuing impunity in the vast majority of crimes against print journalists and the escalation of such attacks in Mexico in 2008;
I am requesting the government to instruct federal, state and municipal authorities to take concrete steps to protect the life and rights of print journalists in Mexico, end impunity and bring to justice those who murder, attack, threaten or intimidate journalists; in particular, to strengthen the Special Prosecutors Office for Crimes against Journalists (Fiscalía Especial para la Atención de Delitos Cometidos contra Periodistas, FEADP) and grant it the required independence to investigate such crimes and bring the perpetrators to justice, and to make the murder and assault of journalists federal rather than state crimes.
Confident that You, Your Excellency, will take action accordingly, I remain,
Yours sincerely
Unni Malmø
member of Writers in Prison Committee, Norwegian PEN
Copy to:
The Norwegian Embassy in Mexico
The ambassador Knut Solem
Avenida Virreyes 1460
Col. Lomas Virreyes
11000 Mexico D.F.
Tlf from Norway:+52 55
(+52 55) 5540 3486 / 87
(+52 55) 5540 5220 / 21
Fax: (+52 55) 5202 3019
e-mail: emb.mexico@mfa.no
Ministry of Norwegian Foreign Affairs, Oslo, Norway