William Nygaard: Tyrkia er blitt et lovløst samfunn
Ytringsfrihetssituasjonen i Tyrkia blir stadig verre. Lørdag 9. juni taler William Nygaard på arrangementet «I see, I hear, I speak» – International Forum for Freedom of Expression i Istanbul, arrangert av organisasjonen Antenna. Arrangøren ber alle deltagerne og samarbeidende organisasjoner om å slutte seg til følgende tekst:
We worry about and protest the existence of the barriers on freedom of expression in Turkey and the cases, arrest and imprisonment of journalists, writers, publishers, academia, students, artists, unionists, politicians and anybody who express their ideas in non violent ways.
It makes us sorry to see Turkey’s name at the top of the list of the countries where freedom of expression is being violated. We ask Prime Minister Erdogan –who was a prisoner of conscience whom ve supported in the past- and his government, to end this situation and wish to see Turkey as a model of freedom of expression for its neighbours, the region, as well as the whole world.
Les Nygaards tale her.