Tag Archive for: Turkey

“They stood by us, we will never leave their side”

Family members of murdered women show their support for anti-femicide platform


Today PEN Norway monitored the second hearing in the dissolution case against the women’s platform ‘We will stop femicide’.


The organisation is accused in a civil case, brought by a men’s anti-alimony network, of ‘degrading the morality of the family’ by providing pro-bono legal support to families of murdered women. The organisation offers help, say the victims’ families, when the police and Ministry of Justice do not.



Hundreds of women and family members of the deceased traveled from all over Turkey to attend the trial. Family members spoke both in the hearing and in the plaza outside the courthouse in advance, telling of how the organisation had helped them to bring their murdered daughters’, sisters’ and mothers’ killers to justice.  “This case is one that should never have been brought,” Lawyer Ilayda Öner told PEN Norway, “It has no legal basis. Our organisation has been audited annually, in a faultless manner, for years. The case is claiming that we have been acting in contradiction to our aims and objectives.”

She explained that the case had been brought when a network of men calling themselves ‘Victims of Alimony’ began to send identical complaints to CIMER, a governmental complaints mechanism.  Over one hundred complaints were said to have been copied from one another, containing the same wording and spelling mistakes. These complaints claimed that the anti-femicide platform was disrupting the fabric of the family in Turkey. They further claimed that lawyers in the organisation had engaged in terror propaganda for sharing posts on social media in 2016 at a time when Turkish armed forces made heavy military incursions into the south east of the country.


The prosecutor initially returned the case file, demanding concrete evidence. However, the prosecutor was then dismissed and a new one appointed. He agreed to instigate a case against the platform and requested the files of any cases pertaining to past and present members of the organisation.  It is understood that 16 such files, all of which resulted in acquittals, have now been sent to the judge.


Under the relatively new Associations Law, any director or board member of an association who has been convicted of a terror offence can be dismissed from the association and said association can be shut down and have its assets seized.


During the hearing, at which representatives of the diplomatic missions of Sweden and the Netherlands were present, the judge heard petitions from the fathers, mothers and daughters of women murdered by their husbands.  Each person giving testimony said that they would always stand by the ‘We will stop femicide’ platform whose members had been with them at every court case and every demonstration throughout the legal process. At the end of the hearing the judge dismissed each one of their petitions to join the case, including a young woman whose mother was stabbed nine times by her father and who joined the association in order to help other women. “When I was looking for the most effective way to end my own life after my mother’s death, I found this organisation online.  I joined then and women now call me on my mobile asking for advice because they are suffering domestic violence. I direct them to the association. But if these women have to call a student like me for help in the first place, it means we have a very big problem.”


Prior to the hearing, hundreds of riot police were bussed in, deploying barricades to contain the womens’ press conference on the plaza opposite the Palace of Justice. A drone hovered overhead as hundreds of women and supporters gathered under banners for a press conference in which lawyers and victims’ families shared their views. During the press conference  PEN Norway’s Turkey Adviser also made a statement, saying: “A country that respects women is a country that should enforce the Istanbul Convention.”  Turkey withdrew from the Convention on 21 March last year. According to one lawyer, the Convention was “signed away with one signature” at a time when between 1-5 women a day are killed by their partners, ex-partners or relatives in Turkey.



During today’s hearing the case, on 3 October, of a judge working in the offices of the Judges’ and Prosecutors’ Council who killed his wife with a shotgun before committing suicide was brought to the court’s attention.  The public at large in Turkey are highly critical of the Ministry of Justice’s commiseration message regarding the perpetrator on social media, whilst they failed to name his wife or to make any admission of the fact of her murder.  The family of the murdered woman say that she was a prisoner in her home for 12 years and that her phone was illegally tapped by her husband, a judge, who worked as an office chief in the Support Services Department of the Council of Judges and Prosecutors at the Ministry of Justice in Ankara.


“This court case against our organisation is a waste of our precious time,” lawyer Hülya Gülbahar told the judge, “since the last hearing of this case, 114 women have been murdered. There are still people out there who cannot get the help they need. They have nowhere to go.”


Today’s hearing lasted just over one hour; the judge ruled to accept the defence’s witnesses at the next hearing and to give the defence ample time to study any new case files received. He refused the petitions of family members of the deceased to join the case and adjourned the case until 11 January, 2023.


PEN Norway will return to monitor the next hearing.



Trial report: Case of editor Mehmet Gökceli

Cherry-picked evidence in editor’s trial

4 October, 2022


PEN Norway today observed the trial of journalist and editor of Demokrat Haber news site, Mehmet Göcekli at Istanbul’s 27th High Criminal Court.

The Prosecutor alleges that Göcekli disseminated terrorist propaganda over eleven years on his news site Demokrat Haber.

Göcekli’s lawyer, Ceren Kalı, told PEN Norway:

“When you look at my client Mehmet Göcekli’s website you will see that it comprises of a very wide range of reporting that represents a pluralistic view of global news. However, the police have cherry picked a few news items over eleven years of publishing in order to set up a terror propaganda case against him. Had they chosen, instead, the news items shared concerning the ruling AK party, then they would have declared him a supporter of the AKP instead.”

She went on to note that these historic posts had been strung together and called a repetitive crime in order to justify the inclusion of posts over 11 years old which should have fallen outside the time limits for inclusion according to the press law.

The lead judge declared the fact that Göcekli was not present and was living in Germany to be ‘boring’ before continuing to rule that the indictment be translated to German and that Göcekli be permitted to give his statement in Germany.

The case was adjourned until 16 February, 2022 at 11.00 am.

Dissolution Case against the ‘We Will Stop Femicide’ Platform

“In April 2022, namely one year after the Istanbul Convention was abolished on 21 March 2021, data was released showing that 302 women were killed by men during this one-year period, and the deaths of 254 women were recorded as suspicious deaths.”

PEN Norway’s legal adviser writes about the case due to be hear in Istanbul on 5 October, 2022 in which the Prosecutor is proposing to shut down a women’s NGO aimed at preventing femicide in Turkey.

Tomorrow, 5 October, PEN Norway’s Turkey Adviser will be in the court room monitoring this important case for women all over Turkey. The femicide epidemic in Turkey shows conclusively the dire need for Turkey to rejoin the Istanbul Convention protecting women and girls.

Read our article here:

PEN Norway_Stop_Femicides_Article_eng

PEN Norway_kadin cinayetleri_makale_tr

Kadın Cinayetlerini Durduracağız Platformu Derneği Kapatma Davası:

“Istanbul sözleşmenin fesih tarihi olan 21 Mart 2021 tarihinden 1 yıl kadar sonra, Nisan 2022’ye gelindiğinde, bu bir yıllık süre zarfında 302 kadının erkekler tarafından öldürüldüğü, 254 kadının ise ölümlerinin şüpheli ölüm olarak kayıtlara geçtiği açıklandı.”

PEN Norveç Türkiye Danışmanı yarın Çağlayan Adalet Sarayında bu önemli davayı gözlemleyecek. Türkiyenin kadınlar ve kızlarının yaşama haklarını destekliyoruz.

PEN Norway interview: Gezi defendant & lawyer, Can Atalay

PEN Norway interview with Gezi defendant Hakan Altınay

PEN Norway interview Tayfun Kahraman

Read more

Turkey: PEN Norway supports international call to restore Evrensel’s right to receive public ads

Press Advertising Agency revokes Evrensel newspaper’s right to receive public ads

[Türkçe versiyonu için aşağıya bakınız]

The International Press Institute (IPI) and 17 press freedom, freedom of expression and human rights organisations call on the Turkish Press Advertising Agency (BİK) to withdraw without delay its alarming decision to revoke the right of the independent Evrensel newspaper to receive public ads, a vital source of financial income for the publication.

BİK has a regulatory duty to act as an independent and fair distributor of public ads, and not to facilitate censorship through suppressing critical news outlets.

On 22 August 2022, Evrensel newspaper received BİK’s decision backdated to July 17, 2022, revoking its right to receive public ads. This move was prompted by an audit into alleged bulk buying that distorted Evrensel’s distribution figures against which measure the advertising levels are set. The right of Evrensel to receive public advertisements has been suspended since September 2019. With the latest decision, this suspended right was completely cancelled.

In its decision, the BİK stated that “the public ad ban on Evrensel was observed to be suspended for a full six months without break, excluding the period when such administrative monitoring was suspended due to the pandemic, therefore its right to receive public ads was revoked”. Evrensel has the right to appeal to the decision at court. Should Evrensel be removed from BİK’s system to receive any public advertising, a new, swiftly launched application process for re-gaining the right to public ads would take at least three years. This drawn-out process would be detrimental to the newspaper’s financial stability.

In the last three years, IPI and undersigned press freedom organisations have repeatedly called on BİK to withdraw the initial public ad ban that was initiated in September 2019 on Evrensel. Ten members of the European Parliament had also joined the call with a letter to then-General Director of BİK Rıdvan Duran requesting the ban be lifted. Despite an in person meeting with Duran in February 2020, the ad ban remained in force until this latest decision.

In a judgment issued on 10 August 2022, the Turkish Constitutional Court ruled that BİK’s arbitrary and consecutive public ad bans on newspapers including Sözcü, Cumhuriyet, Evrensel and BirGün, violated freedom of expression and press freedom as well as constituted and evidence of BİK acting as a tool for systematic censorship and criminalization of news coverage in the country. The Constitutional Court’s verdict thus confirmed that BİK lacks impartiality towards media outlets.

Media freedom in recent years has been deteriorating in Turkey in light of the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections in 2023, we are concerned about the state of remaining independent media outlets, the repercussions it will have on the right to access information for the residents of Turkey who will need to rely on the existing media outlets to make informed decisions in the election calendar, and how this will contribute to an already-shrinking civic space in the country. Hereby we once again call upon the Press Advertising Agency (BİK) in Turkey to withdraw the decision to revoke ad revenues for Evrensel.




International Press Institute (IPI)


Articolo 21

Danish PEN

English PEN

European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)


IPS Communication Foundation/bianet

Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA)

OBC Transeuropa (OBCT)

P24 (Platform for Independent Journalism)

PEN America

PEN Norway

PEN Turkey

Reporters Without Borders (RSF)

South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO)

Swedish PEN

The Coalition For Women In Journalism (CFWIJ)


Uluslararası hak grupları, Evrensel’in kamu ilanı yayımlama hakkının geri verilmesi için çağrı yaptı 

Basın İlan Kurumu, Evrensel gazetesinin kamu ilanı alma hakkını iptal etti

Uluslararası Basın Enstitüsü (IPI) ve 17 uluslararası basın ve ifade özgürlüğü ve insan hakları grubu, Basın İlan Kurumu’na (BİK) bağımsız Evrensel gazetesinin kamu ilanı alma hakkına yönelik iptal kararını derhal geri çekme çağrısı yaptı. BİK, gazetelerin yayın hayatı için hayati önem taşıyan kamu ilanlarının bağımsız ve adil bir biçimde dağıtılmasında düzenleyici bir rol oynamalıdır, eleştirel haber kurumlarını baskılayarak sansür mekanizmasını yaygınlaştırmada değil. 

Evrensel gazetesine 22 Ağustos 2022’de tebliğ edilen 17 Temmuz tarihli BİK kararında gazetenin kamu ilanı alma hakkının tümüyle iptal edildiği bildirildi. Bu karar, Evrensel gazetesinin tirajını “çoklu alım” ile arttırdığı iddialarını takiben başlatılan denetimlerin gerçekleştirilmesinin ardından geldi. Evrensel için gazetelerin tirajlarına göre belirlenen kamu ilanı gelirleri Eylül 2019’da denetim kararına kadar BİK tarafından durdurulmuştu. Bu son karar ile Evrensel gazetesi, kamu ilanı yayımlama hakkını tümüyle kaldırdı.

BİK kararında, “23 Mart 2020 ile 30 Nisan 2022 tarihleri arasında Kurumca mevzuat şartlarının aranmadığı salgın süreci hariç bırakılmak suretiyle altı ay içinde yayınlama hakkı yeniden devam etmediği anlaşıldığından, Günlük Evrensel gazetesinin, resmi ilan ve reklam yayınlama hakkının sona ermesine karar verilmiştir,” ifadelerini kullandı. Evrensel’in kararı önce BİK’e itiraz etmek olmak üzere mahkemede temyiz hakkı bulunuyor. Evrensel gazetesinin BİK sisteminden çıkarılması halinde, ilan yayımlama hakkının geri kazanımı için bugün başlatılacak bir başvuru sürecinin dahi en az üç yıl süreceği öngörülüyor. Bu süreç, gazetenin finansal sürdürülebilirliği açısından son derece yıkıcı etkiler doğuracaktır.

Son üç yıl içinde, IPI ve aşağıda imzası bulunan basın özgürlüğü kurumları, Eylül 2019’da verilen Evrensel’e yönelik ilan durdurma cezasının kaldırılması için BİK’e pek çok kez çağrıda bulundu. 10 Avrupa Parlamentosu üyesi, dönemin BİK Başkanı Rıdvan Duran’a ortak mektup göndererek bu çağrıya destek vermişti. Şubat 2020’de Duran ile IPI öncülüğünde yüz yüze düzenlenen bir toplantıda bu talep ve endişeler dile getirilmiş olmasına rağmen, ilan durdurma cezası kaldırılmamıştı. 

Sözcü, Cumhuriyet, Evrensel ve BirGün gazetelerinin toplu başvurusuna yönelik Anayasa Mahkemesi’nin 10 Ağustos 2022 tarihli kararında, bu gazetelere verilen arka arkaya ve keyfi ilan kesme cezalarının basın ve ifade özgürlüklerini ihlal ettiğini belirtti. Ayrıca bu durumun yapısal sorunlardan kaynaklandığını belirten karar ile BİK’in ülkedeki sistematik sansür mekanizmasının bir aracı olarak hareket ettiği adeta teyit etmiş oldu. Böylelikle, AYM kararı BİK’in medya kurumlarına yönelik bağımsız yaklaşımının kaybedildiğini tasdik etti.

Son yıllarda Türkiye’deki medya özgürlüğü alanı gün geçtikçe daralıyordu. 2023 genel ve başkanlık seçimleri takvimi devam ederken, bağımsız haber yapmaya çalışan medya kuruluşlarının durumu, bilgiye dayalı karar verebilmek için var olan basın kuruluşlarına bağımlı kalan Türkiye vatandaşlarının habere erişimi üzerindeki olumsuz etkileri ve tüm bunların halihazırda daralmakta olan sivil alana olumsuz katkısı hakkında büyük endişe içerisindeyiz. O nedenle, bir kez daha Basın İlan Kurumu’na Evrensel gazetesinin ilan yayımlama hakkının iptalinin geri çekilmesi için çağrı yapıyoruz.

İmzacı kurumlar:

Uluslararası Basın Enstitüsü (IPI)
Articolo 21
Avrupa Basın ve Medya Özgürlüğü Merkezi (ECPMF)
Danish PEN
English PEN
IPS Communication Foundation/bianet
Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA)
OBC Transeuropa (OBCT)
P24 (Platform for Independent Journalism)
PEN America
PEN Norway
PEN Turkey
Reporters Without Borders (RSF)
South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO)
Swedish PEN
The Coalition For Women In Journalism (CFWIJ)

PEN Norway interviews imprisoned Gezi Park Trial defendant Mine Özerden

Mine Özerden. Human Rights Defender.


PEN Norway interview with the imprisoned Gezi Park Trial defendant Mine Özerden:

“I wish that not only the opposition, but also people from all walks of life whose rights were violated would express their solidarity with Gezi and with us. I think people from different walks of life should gradually intensify their practice of standing together on a minimalist common ground and bring this issue to the agenda and do that through democratic methods.”


Read the interview in English: Mine Özerden interview_TİP-ENG_cs

Türkçesini okumak için buraya tıklayınız:  Mine Özerden Söyleşi_TİP-TRcs


On 25 April, 2022 Mine Özerden and her co-defendants in the room were sentenced to
18 years in prison and were immediately arrested. Defendant Osman Kavala, who was
already in pre-trial detention was sentenced to life in prison with no parole. PEN Norway
witnessed this shocking abuse of the justice system in Turkey and are interviewing each
imprisoned defendant in turn.


«Sadece muhalefetin değil, her kesimden hakkı yenen insanların Gezi’ye ve bize sahip çıkmasını diliyorum. Farklı kesimlerden insanların asgari müştereklerde, eşdeğer ilişki kurarak bir arada durma pratikleri geliştirme halinin daha da yoğunlaşarak güne taşınması gerektiğini, bunun demokratik yöntemlerle olması gerektiğini düşünüyorum»


25 Nisan 2022 tarihinde Mine Özerden ve duruşmada hazır bulunan diğer sanıklar 18 yıl hapis cezasına çarptırıldılar ve mahkeme salonunda tutuklandılar. Halihazırda tutuklu yargılanan Osman Kavala ise ağırlaştırılmış müebbet hapis cezasına çarptırıldı. PEN Norveç yargı sisteminin bu şekilde şok edici bir düzeyde suistimal edilmesine bizzat şahit oldu ve bugün her bir tutuklu sanıkla söyleşi gerçekleştiriyor.

Turkey’s National Alliance – how do they stand on freedom of expression?

PEN Norway and Seyhan Avşar ask representatives from each party in Turkey’s new National Alliance where they stand on the rule of law and freedom of expression, ahead of planned elections next year.

Read the article here: Avşar_Article_TİP-EN(2)

Türkçesini okumak için buraya tıklayınız: Avşar_Article_TİP-TR(2)

“It is crucial to reinforce the notion of “us” with all our differences, and to build a democratic Turkey where fundamental rights and freedoms are guaranteed within the framework of the Council of Europe and European Union norms, and where individuals can freely express their thoughts and live their lives according to their beliefs, as equal and free citizens.”

– Excerpt from the multi-party Joint Declaration to Return to the Strengthened Parliamentary System.


International groups call on Turkey’s parliament to reject the “disinformation” bill as a tool of digital censorship

Voices of Women Journalists in Turkey: Seyhan Avsar

Beginning on World Press Freedom Day, PEN Norway amplify the voices of women journalists from Turkey, by asking them the importance of freedom of expression in their personal and working lives.

Don’t fear – speak freely!  Korkma – Konuş!

We condemn the persistent narrowing of the field of expression in Turkey and uphold citizens’ constitutional rights to engage in open, critical expression, without fear.

PEN Norveç, Dünya Basın Özgürlüğü Günü’nden başlayarak Türkiye’deki kadın gazetecilere ifade özgürlüğünün özel ve kamusal hayatlarındaki önemini sorarak onların seslerini yükseltiyor. 

Türkiye’de ifade alanının sürekli olarak daraltılmasını kınıyor ve vatandaşların açıkça ve korkmadan eleştirel ifadede bulunmalarına ilişkin anayasal haklarını destekliyoruz.

Korkma – Konuş! Don’t fear – speak freely!  

Voices of Women Journalists from Turkey: Ayşe Güney

Beginning on World Press Freedom Day, PEN Norway amplify the voices of women journalists from Turkey, by asking them the importance of freedom of expression in their personal and working lives.

Don’t fear – speak freely!  Korkma – Konuş!

We condemn the persistent narrowing of the field of expression in Turkey and uphold citizens’ constitutional rights to engage in open, critical expression, without fear.


PEN Norveç, Dünya Basın Özgürlüğü Günü’nden başlayarak Türkiye’deki kadın gazetecilere ifade özgürlüğünün özel ve kamusal hayatlarındaki önemini sorarak onların seslerini yükseltiyor. 

Türkiye’de ifade alanının sürekli olarak daraltılmasını kınıyor ve vatandaşların açıkça ve korkmadan eleştirel ifadede bulunmalarına ilişkin anayasal haklarını destekliyoruz.

Korkma – Konuş! Don’t fear – speak freely!